7 December 2010

Newsy and viewsy

Just thinking it's been a while since there's been a newsy blog post, so, inspired by Sphenodon, here we go.

I'm currently back in Nelson (again - how many trips over here does that make this year?!) doing some more training, this time with a new-to-me forestry client. I like working with the forestry guys: they're very down to earth and they get safety, something to do with the interesting hazards they work with.  Even managed to squeeze a discussion around radiation and non-destructive testing into a Reps course today - first time I've managed that!

Work is insanely busy for me right now: trying to finish work for existing clients, and new clients, and a whole project that only started Monday to be done by Christmas - and oh, by the way, I've only got 4 office days between now and Christmas.... not quite sure how that's going to go but I'm sure we'll make it somehow. Roll on summer holidays!

I'm also rather pleased that now Massey and the IGC are finished I've been able to put at least some of my attention into Christmas preparations. We're in my favourite season of the year: Advent, the time of preparation, of waiting, of getting ready. I love that we're also preparing for summer here in NZ: the weather has been absolutely amazingly beautiful for about the last month (tonight in Nelson is the first time I've seen rain in a month, and it's officially a drought in Northland and Otago), and to me it's the perfect preparation for the coming of the Light we welcome at Christmas: long, long days, sun, summer, beauty everywhere you look: the light of the sun and the Light of my days. Perfect. But I've also got some more practical things happening: the Christmas shopping has begun and is actually progressing rather well, thanks to a bolt of inspiration tonight in Nelson. And we put the Christmas tree and Advent wreath up on Sunday and so when I do evening prayers with our daughter we're lighting the candles and reflecting on hope and peace, the first two candles.

Not much time for much else to go on!

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