31 December 2008

End and beginning

End and beginning. 2008 on its way out, 2009 about to come. Classic Wellington evening, wind blowing, small daughter screaming because we took her soft toys away (she's been in bed for nearly 2 hours and won't go to sleep - this is our way of making her know that we mean business).

Anyway, to business. It seems to be that time of year for thinking about previous paths and current ones, vocation etc. What do those vows mean to me: simplicity, chastity, obedience? How do I make sense of them in the midst of ordinary life?

I've been investigating new ways of observing the Office. My vicar lent me the RC breviary (well, morning and evening prayer, anyway - one book of five!) and I like it: it has a different set of antiphons and psalms each day and picks up the feasts really well, which is quite refreshing - Celebrating Common Prayer only has 7 different variations for the different seasons and it gets a bit boring, especially in Ordinary Time. Apparently there's a full Anglican breviary that is similar but I want to see it before I fork out the $80-odd for it!

Pachyderm tssf

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