4 January 2010

The wind blows...

Finally some sunshine, although there is still a huge wind. Last night we had an enormous amount of wind - in fact, I think it's just about the windiest I ever remember Wellington being (and that's saying rather a lot). The house was actually shaking at times, and even though it was really hot, we had to have all the windows and doors shut to stop stuff getting blown off shelves etc.

The wind contributed to a nearly completely sleepless night for me. The shrieking of the wind and bashing of trees etc, combined with a spot of the old chronic pain issues meant I didn't get to sleep until just before 6am this morning - not good when small daughter wakes somewhere between 7.30 and 8am, and I feel like I've been hit by a truck today. Fortunately wonderful hubby got up with her to let me have another hour or so of sleep. We have friends coming over for dinner: good friends that know us well, so it will be a mellow evening but I have no plans to be up late tonight!


Lux said...

Hmmm earthquake weather :-p

Pachyderm said...

And I say to you, Hmm, Icebox weather!